Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different numbers of neutrons. Original conversation. numbers of neutrons. A. Popular Conversations. numbers of protons. User: compared to atoms of the same element isotopes have diffrent (More)Weegy: It is considered to. B. May 18, 2018 207 82 P b or just 207P b. numbers of electrons. numbers of electrons. Explanation: Sometimes geologists need to estimate older fossils, like the ones from the paleozoic era which is the oldest of the three eras. B. C. numbers of electrons. numbers of protons. Weegy: Elements in the same group have the same number of electron. FALSE. User: In which type of relationship. numbers of electrons. half-life. Weegy: Subduction zone is a geological feature located below an active volcano. Isotopes have variable numbers of electrons. 8631| Masamune |Points 80188| User: Unlike an animal's habitat, an animal's niche can be described by all of the following exceptIsotopes of the same element will have a different number of neutrons, but the same number of protons. D. 6/30/2023 4:40:36 AM| 10 Answers. Asked 8/13/2014 9:49:40 PM. FALSE. C. Radioactive isotopes are one of the environmental waste products of nuclear energy. Get an answer. numbers of protons. It's common atomic number is 12. 11/19/2022 12:55:21 PM| 19 Answers. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. False Question. Isotopes of an element will always have the same A. questions answered. D. 1 / 38 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by janstolte42 Terms in this set (38) According to the Atomic Theory, A) all atoms are different B) atoms are created and destroyed during a chemical reaction C) atoms of different elements combine to form compounds D) all matter is made up of tiny particles called electrons 07/07/2019 Biology Middle School answered • expert verified The atomic mass of the most common isotope of carbon is _______. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. False. 8. Weegy: The euphoric state caused by inhalants is due to a dangerous lack of oxygen to the brain. numbers of protons. B. number of protons Isotopes of the same element have different. number of protons. B. B. A. Isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons. low E0 - weak oxidizer 3. D. B. types of subatomic particles. Weegy: All of the following are mental or physical benefits of exercise except increased stress. numbers of neutrons. New answers. D. D. gain of electrons - reduction 2. numbers of protons d. radioactive decay. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. C. numbers of protons. numbers of neutrons. one-twelfth the mass of a. The change in isotopes over time due to the emission of radioactive particles is known as A. types of subatomic particles. numbers of protons. numbers of neutrons. radioactive decay. numbers of neutrons. types of subatomic particles. protons; electrons B. numbers of neutrons. Protons B. numbers of protons. B. D. C. numbers of protons. numbers of electrons. TRUE. 1 Answer/Comment. numbers of neutrons. types of subatomic particles. Isotopes have variable numbers of electrons. |Score 1|Masamune|Points 91445| Log in for more information. mass, atomic C. Manganese-52 has a half-life of 6 days. B. negative ions - Anion 6. B. 1 Answer/Comment. It has a half-life of 1. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. Updated 237 days ago|11/14/2022 9:33:20 PM. User: Choose all the answers that apply. Log in for more information. Isotopes have variable numbers of electrons. Updated 9/22/2016 11:13:31 AM. Asked 8/13/2014 9:49:40 PM. C. half-life. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. types of subatomic particles. numbers of electrons. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. B. Isotopes have variable numbers of electrons. Protons B. weegy. Weegy: If a cell is placed inside a solution that has a higher concentration of solute than on the inside of the cell,. types of subatomic particles. D. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Popular Conversations. types of subatomic particles. numbers of electrons. Weegy: Chemical bonds: hold atoms together to form compounds. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. b. types of subatomic particles. 1. B. 0 Answers/Comments. . Oxygen has _______ protons in the nucleus. radiometric dating. 40 K is a radioactive isotope of potassium that is present in very small amounts in all minerals that have potassium in them. numbers of protons. D. numbers of electrons. -caused a spike in the number of moose during the years 1990–1995. D. D. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F. positive ions. Mirage is due to _____ Equal heating of different parts of. numbers of electrons. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different numbers of neutrons. FALSE. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F Weegy: Isotopes have variable numbers of electrons. protons; neutrons C. Weegy: B. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F. electrons. Updated 77 days ago|1/20/2023 9:10:19 PM. loss of electrons - oxidation 4. The number of protons in a nucleus determines the element’s atomic number on the Periodic Table. radioactive decay. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F Weegy: Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis. numbers of neutrons. Isotopes – equal Z Isobars – equal A Isotones – equal N Isodiaphers – equal N − Z Isomers – equal all the above Mirror nuclei – Z ↔ N Stable Magic Even/odd Halo Borromean Nuclear stability Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Capturing processes High-energy processes Nucleosynthesis and nuclear astrophysics High-energy nuclear physics Scientists Elements have families as well, known as isotopes. Updated 88 days ago|1/20/2023 9:10:19 PM. Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by:. numbers of electrons. ms. Added 81 days ago|4/17/2023 12:14:55 AM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The correct answer is A. Weegy: In an outline, capital letters designate subtopics. types of subatomic particles. The wavelike properties of electrons are useful in A. B. Question. numbers of electrons. numbers of neutrons. 1 in an integrated form. D. Question. numbers of protons. Asked 4/14/2020 3:11:04 PM. Expert Answered. True. B. Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different A. numbers of electrons b. neutrons; protons Weegy: C. numbers of neutrons. Log in for. numbers of neutrons. Weegy: Isotopes are atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons; the different possible versions of each element. C. D. numbers of neutrons. weegy. B. numbers of electrons. numbers of. User: Isotopes have what.